Saint Joseph's Industrial School and Orphanage, and later Home for the Aged, Bethany, Oklahoma.

It opened in 1912 and by the time it closed in the 1965 several thousand children, and aged, had been cared for by the facility.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Pete Martinez (Marty) left this comment: "Hi, this is Marty. I remember a fellow that was an all around-Jack of all trades. He had red hair, and a glass eye, that at the time, for a young boy, was really cool, to take out and show us. I am wondering if he is the same as the caretaker mentioned in another blog, a Gerard Oneil, a caretaker in the 60's (by then we were gone). (the Martinez family).
If he is the same, he used to make us (boys) skate-racers,fashioned like a "T" with those old metal skates made for concrete. We would propel ourselves, from two sides of the flagpole circle, and converge in a terrific crash. 8 o'clock medical patchup, by Sister Mary Peter, was something to behold. Today, whenever I see a pair of old metal skates at the swapmeet, or in an antique shop, just can't help but chuckle and remember. "

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